Today is the big day, Jake's first birthday! I just spent the day with my little man, and he is a precious, adorable, hilarious, inquisitive, smart, wonderful little character, whom I love with all my heart. Spending the day with him meant everything to me, and I want to thank Andrea for allowing to share this day with them, as well as my job!
Jake has blossomed from a baby, into a toddler! When the heck did that happen? I noticed it at his birthday party. He was interested and aware of everything that was going on, just loving all the "firsts" that were happening. He loved his presents, and would make that precious "O" face...his look of surprise. He played with everything, and everyone, and smiled, laughed and ate! Boy can that kid eat! He had his cake, he had his spaghetti....he fed himself and he just enjoyed his day! I know I enjoyed every minute of that party, as we watched the little one year old in all of his amazingness!
I guess I just want to say that Jacob has come into my life and as I predicted on the blog I wrote just one year ago...he has changed my life. Being a grandmother is amazing...ten times better than I ever imagined. Being a parent is hard! So much responsibility, so many decisions to make, mistakes, accomplishments...oh so much stuff! Grandparenthood...well it's a whole other ball game. It's kisses, and loveys, and hugs, and treats and presents and joy and laughter. It's all the best parts of being a parent. I totally am loving it and feel blessed to have this little man in my life. He is everything to me.
As his personality changes, I look forward to his tying shoes, and riding bikes, kindergarten and beyond. I look forward to hearing him say "Grandma" for the first time, and running up to me, arms spread, happy to see me! I look forward to his walking, then running, then sports and accomplishments. His first crush, first movie, first date. So much to look forward to, but I think for now...I'll just enjoy his being ONE!
Happy Birthday, Jake! Grandma loves you VERY MUCH!!!!!